Investor FAQs

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Where is Steve Madden’s corporate headquarters?
Steve Madden’s corporate headquarters are located at 52-16 Barnett Ave., Long Island City, NY.
Where is the company incorporated?
Steve Madden is incorporated in Delaware.
When did Steve Madden go public?
Steve Madden had its initial public offering on the Nasdaq in December 1993.
What is Steve Madden’s fiscal year?
Steve Madden’s fiscal year ends on December 31st.
How is Steve Madden stock traded?
Steve Madden stock is traded on the Nasdaq under the trading symbol “SHOO”.
How can I find out about the Steve Madden stock?
Information about the stock performance is available through the “Stock Information” section of our website.
Who is Steve Madden’s transfer agent?
The transfer agent and registrar for our common stock is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company. They can be reached by calling 800.937.5449.
Who is Steve Madden’s auditor?
Steve Madden’s auditor is Ernst & Young LLP.
Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?
Please contact your stockbroker.
How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?
Please contact your stockbroker.
Does Steve Madden pay dividends?
The Company currently offers a quarterly cash dividend of $0.21 per share upon approval of the Company’s Board of Directors each quarter.
Does Steve Madden have a direct stock purchase plan?
At this time, Steve Madden does not have a direct stock purchase plan.
How can I obtain SEC documents, such as a prospectus, a 10-K, or a 10-Q?
All SEC documents are accessible through the “SEC Filings” page on our website.
Who makes up the Steve Madden’s Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
Please visit the “Corporate Governance” section of our website for information on our management team and Board of Directors.
When is your next earnings release scheduled? How can I receive email updates for this information?
Earnings release information can be found under the “Events Calendar” section of our website. For email updates regarding this information, please sign up for alerts via the “Email Alerts” section website.
When and where will Steve Madden hold its next annual meeting?
Information regarding the next annual meeting can be found under the “Events Calendar” section of our website.
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
Investor Relations queries should be directed to